As its name suggests, Teeth whitening is the lightening of the color of your teeth through the application of a safe and medically approved gel. The Whitening Gel, once applied and with the addition of Cold Light, can rapidly oxidize the teeth and restore them to a beautiful white in 30 minutes.
- Teeth Discoloration

Teeth Whitening with Plasma Bleaching

Composite Bonding
A cosmetic dental procedure done to improve the aesthetic of a chipped or worn down tooth by bonding a tooth-coloured filling material called composite resin. The procedure is much quicker compared to Veneer procedure and can be done in 1 visit.

Dental Veneer

Dental Veneer is an aesthetic, tooth-colored material that is used to restore the entire front surface of your tooth.
You might consider choosing this procedure if you have:
- Discolored teeth
- Unevenly sized teeth
- Broken, Chipped or slightly Worn down teeth
- Slightly misaligned teeth
- Teeth that are too spaced out between each other (not opting to orthodontic treatment)